Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! We had a blast this Christmas, first time with the baby is very memorable. We spent Christmas Eve in Anchorage with the Lantz/Walters family. There was so much food there it was unbelievable. I ate so many appetizers that I couldn't even force myself to eat the main course or any of the 6 pies. Jase got a killer present from his Great-grandma Bernice. It's a little Giraffe that you put the ball in it's mouth and it spins around the body and shoots out the bottom. He absolutely loves it, so much so that he wasn't interested in opening any more presents after that one.

Christmas day was nice and relaxing, just the three of us opening presents this morning. Jase got his first dinosaur and powerwheels fourwheeler. He loves riding the fourwheeler, but hasn't figured out that he can push the button himself to make it go. That evening, all the Walters and Iagulli's came over for dinner. It was nice to have everybody together -- minus one unfortunately -- Grandma Janis' flight was cancelled. But the good news is now she still has her airline miles to come up this July to see the newest addition. That's what tonight was all about, Jase made the big announcement that "Shhh....Mommy has a secret in her belly". It was pretty funny watching everybody read it and the faces as they figured it out. Well duty calls....will post pictures soon.....

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