Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! We had a blast this Christmas, first time with the baby is very memorable. We spent Christmas Eve in Anchorage with the Lantz/Walters family. There was so much food there it was unbelievable. I ate so many appetizers that I couldn't even force myself to eat the main course or any of the 6 pies. Jase got a killer present from his Great-grandma Bernice. It's a little Giraffe that you put the ball in it's mouth and it spins around the body and shoots out the bottom. He absolutely loves it, so much so that he wasn't interested in opening any more presents after that one.

Christmas day was nice and relaxing, just the three of us opening presents this morning. Jase got his first dinosaur and powerwheels fourwheeler. He loves riding the fourwheeler, but hasn't figured out that he can push the button himself to make it go. That evening, all the Walters and Iagulli's came over for dinner. It was nice to have everybody together -- minus one unfortunately -- Grandma Janis' flight was cancelled. But the good news is now she still has her airline miles to come up this July to see the newest addition. That's what tonight was all about, Jase made the big announcement that "Shhh....Mommy has a secret in her belly". It was pretty funny watching everybody read it and the faces as they figured it out. Well duty calls....will post pictures soon.....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Trip to the North Pole

Friday night we took Jase to the "North Pole" (Palmer, AK) to see Santa Claus. My company (MTA) puts on a childrens X-mas party every year. They spend quite a bit of money and make it really nice for the kids. They had a cake walk where they had bought a cake for every kid so it was kind of a sure thing (we got two :). They also had an ornament making center which we skipped, sandwiches, chips, and juice. Best of all they had an amazing looking Santa, who had a nice toy for every kid. I was impressed because they didn't just give every kid the same toy, they had a huge variety based on age and several different ones for each age group. We met up with our friends Akhil and Marie and their sone Ravi. He's a month older than Jase. We've been getting pictures of the two of them together as they grow up so we got Santa pictures together as well. Ravi was hamming it up and Jase was scared to death, it was pretty cute.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pictures & Video for the fam

He loves bisquits! Only before bath time.

First time out in the snow. He couldn't figure out why we dragged him out in the cold.

Jase is at that stage where he has to put everything in his mouth. I think dirty socks are his favorite chew toy.

Baby's first moose!

Poor Jase has managed to get pink eye for the second time already. So I stayed home with him yesterday, and Grandpa watched him today so I could go back to work. I've been living in this house for 3 years now, and have never once seen any wildlife in this neighborhood. Grandpa saw a moose walking down the road in front of the house so he held Jase up to get a look. Jase cooed and got all excited, he loved that moose. It's amazing to me how he can see a moose outside and can tell the difference between it and the animals he sees on TV. He's not impressed by the TV animals at all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Alyeska Weekend

This weekend Brian and I were lucky enough to have a night off thanks to Grandma and Grandpa who offered to watch the little man. We decided to head down to Girdwood for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding. Alyeska Resort had over 10 feet of snow the two weeks before so we were really looking forward to it. Of course the weather decided to warm up and was 35 degrees when we headed down on Saturday. Although it was sprinkling rain at the bottom of the mountain, the top was still below freezing and in pretty decent shape besides the typical Alyeska flat light. Since neither of us had skied for 2 years we didn't last very long. Our age is starting to catch up with us. Sunday I decided to start out on my snowboard, huge mistake! I crashed hard on the very first run. The second run was killer just trying to make it down to the truck to get my skiis. Enough was enough, I'm too old to be falling. Needless to say my neck is killing me today, I think I gave myself whiplash. Overall it was a fun weekend though. We headed back to Eagle River to pick up Jase that afternoon. Poor little guy has been sick with a cold for the last week and over the weekend developed pink eye. Luckily my sister now has her license so she called him in a prescription. Hopefully he'll be better before we take him to see Santa on Friday.