Monday, December 8, 2008

Alyeska Weekend

This weekend Brian and I were lucky enough to have a night off thanks to Grandma and Grandpa who offered to watch the little man. We decided to head down to Girdwood for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding. Alyeska Resort had over 10 feet of snow the two weeks before so we were really looking forward to it. Of course the weather decided to warm up and was 35 degrees when we headed down on Saturday. Although it was sprinkling rain at the bottom of the mountain, the top was still below freezing and in pretty decent shape besides the typical Alyeska flat light. Since neither of us had skied for 2 years we didn't last very long. Our age is starting to catch up with us. Sunday I decided to start out on my snowboard, huge mistake! I crashed hard on the very first run. The second run was killer just trying to make it down to the truck to get my skiis. Enough was enough, I'm too old to be falling. Needless to say my neck is killing me today, I think I gave myself whiplash. Overall it was a fun weekend though. We headed back to Eagle River to pick up Jase that afternoon. Poor little guy has been sick with a cold for the last week and over the weekend developed pink eye. Luckily my sister now has her license so she called him in a prescription. Hopefully he'll be better before we take him to see Santa on Friday.

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